Welkom bij huisartsenpraktijk van der Kuyl & Shachar-Palgi

Op deze site vindt u algemene en meer specifieke informatie over de praktijk en over uw gezondheid. Heeft u een specifieke vraag? U kunt ons altijd bellen.

Praktijknummer 020 – 641 27 04
Voor spoed binnen praktijkuren kies 1.
Voor spoed buiten praktijkuren (17.00 – 8.00 uur) en op weekend- en feestdagen kunt u voor spoedgevallen de huisartsenpost bellen via
020 – 45 620 00.






Mrs. M.G. van der Kuyl
Mrs. S. Shachar-Palgi

Van Heuven Goedhartlaan 933
1181 LD Amstelveen

General number 020 – 641 2704
Emergency number 020 – 641 2704 (option 1)
Repeat prescriptions 020 641 2704 (option 2)
Email: assistente.ks@mczonnestein.nl


Welcome to our clinic

The clinic’s opening hours:

Monday 8.00 – 17.00 hr
Tuesday 8.00 – 17.00 hr
Wednesday 8.00 – 17.00 hr
Thursday 8.00 – 17.00 hr
Friday 8.00 – 17.00 hr


New patients

The clinic serves patients living in zipcode 1181. At this moment the practise is not open for new patients.

Important: online registration is not possible. Registration via “patientenomgeving” is not possible.

To book an appointment, request a telephone consultation, general enquiries and results please call our assistent between 8.00 – 11.00 am or 13.30 – 16.00 pm. Our assistant is medically trained, in order to help you to get the right care she will ask you some questions and give you advise.

If you have more than one medical complain or you come with another person, please mention this to our assistant when you book the appointment.

Repeat prescription service (concerns chronic medication we prescribed before):

► Our assistant tel.nr. +31 20 641 2704
► Repeat medication line tel. nr. +31 20 641 2704 (option 2)
►progress to online service


Online services
On this platform, you can write an e-consultation and request repeat prescriptions. E-consultation is most suitable for any non-urgent question. If you have urgent questions, then please contact the clinic by phone. To register for our online services in English; please download the Uw Zorg online app in de App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
Please register your (personal) account with a personal email address, 1 account per patient.



Where you can find information about the Dutch health system.





After Hours Medical Clinic Amstelland
If you require the urgent help of a doctor during the evening, weekend or night, you may call the ‘After Hours Medical Clinic Amstelland‘. After Hours Medical Clinic provides emergency medical care in the Amstelland region during the evening, night, weekend and national holidays.

For emergency complaints that cannot wait until the following day or after the weekend, please call: 020-4562000. Always call the After Hours Medical Clinic before visiting.
If you visit the After Hours Medical Clinic, you will need to take valid proof of identification. This may include: a passport, identity card, Dutch driving licence or Dutch residence permit. Please show this document when reporting at the desk.